Logo Starbucks

Logo Starbucks

The Starbucks logo integrates the color palette below:

Colors % Previews
#ffffff 24.39%
#077655 5.34%
#000000 4.22%
#fffeff 3.64%
#010101 3.50%
#feffff 2.81%
#fcffff 1.72%
#fefefe 1.54%
#087555 1.49%
#057755 1.41%
#020202 1.13%
#fdfdfd 1.10%
#fbffff 1.06%
#030303 0.83%
#047855 0.70%
#097555 0.69%
#f9ffff 0.66%
#fcfcfc 0.65%
#fffdff 0.63%
#087756 0.57%
#f7ffff 0.54%
#067554 0.53%
#fffdfe 0.51%
#f8ffff 0.51%
#fdfffe 0.48%
#f5ffff 0.48%
#077454 0.47%
#040404 0.45%
#097656 0.43%
#f4ffff 0.40%
#047654 0.39%
#f2ffff 0.39%
#f1ffff 0.38%
#067856 0.35%
#fbfbfb 0.35%
#f0ffff 0.34%
#eeffff 0.31%
#fbfffe 0.30%
#edffff 0.30%
#0b7455 0.30%
#0a7656 0.28%
#0a7757 0.27%
#fcfefd 0.27%
#e9ffff 0.26%
#067353 0.26%
#ebffff 0.25%
#027855 0.25%
#fffffd 0.25%
#087454 0.25%
#000100 0.25%
#fefcfd 0.24%
#eaffff 0.24%
#050505 0.24%
#057453 0.24%
#097857 0.23%
#077957 0.23%
#037754 0.22%
#000201 0.20%
#037553 0.20%
#fafefd 0.19%
#057956 0.19%
#fafffe 0.18%
#010000 0.18%
#fbfdfc 0.18%
#fffcff 0.17%
#e7ffff 0.17%
#e6ffff 0.17%
#097553 0.17%
#fafafa 0.17%
#077552 0.17%
#0b7757 0.16%
#0c7556 0.16%
#087653 0.16%
#077753 0.16%
#077353 0.15%
#020001 0.15%
#047352 0.14%
#0a7354 0.14%
#0a7654 0.14%
#0a7958 0.14%
#e4ffff 0.13%
#fffcfd 0.13%
#087452 0.13%
#0b7453 0.13%
#057753 0.13%
#fdfbfc 0.12%
#057252 0.12%
#097754 0.12%
#087854 0.12%
#f6fffe 0.12%
#e3ffff 0.12%
#fefffd 0.11%
#0b7858 0.11%
#060606 0.11%
#f9fffd 0.11%
#f8fffe 0.11%
#0a7352 0.11%
#087a58 0.11%
#067652 0.10%
#027452 0.10%
#067451 0.10%
#077656 0.10%
#027653 0.10%
#0c7355 0.10%
#f9fdfc 0.10%
#077351 0.10%
#067854 0.10%
#0b7352 0.09%
#0c7554 0.09%
#e2ffff 0.09%
#067a57 0.09%
#017754 0.09%
#0c7453 0.09%
#097253 0.09%
#037956 0.09%
#f6ffff 0.08%
#0b7254 0.08%
#0a7855 0.08%
#057551 0.08%
#f9f9f9 0.08%
#f7fffd 0.08%
#f4fffe 0.08%
#0c7858 0.08%
#fdfeff 0.08%
#047652 0.08%
#f1fffe 0.08%
#067252 0.08%
#fefeff 0.08%
#f3ffff 0.08%
#057756 0.08%
#0d7657 0.08%
#f7fffe 0.08%
#087556 0.08%
#037251 0.07%
#0a7251 0.07%
#0d7554 0.07%
#0d7252 0.07%
#097251 0.07%
#fffcfe 0.07%
#0e7152 0.07%
#ecffff 0.07%
#fafcfb 0.07%
#0b7755 0.07%
#047853 0.07%
#0d7051 0.07%
#030000 0.07%
#0b7050 0.07%
#030102 0.07%
#0e7355 0.07%
#0e7353 0.07%
#efffff 0.07%
#f5fffd 0.07%
#0b7a59 0.07%
#fffbfc 0.06%
#097955 0.06%
#0d7456 0.06%
#effffe 0.06%
#0d6348 0.06%
#0e6f50 0.06%
#f8fcfb 0.06%
#0c7959 0.06%
#0d664a 0.06%
#097150 0.06%
#037752 0.06%
#047151 0.06%
#e5ffff 0.06%
#fffbff 0.06%
#0f7253 0.06%
#057350 0.06%
#fafeff 0.06%
#0b6c4d 0.06%
#0d6c4e 0.06%
#0c6d4e 0.06%
#0b7956 0.06%
#087150 0.06%
#017351 0.06%
#097b59 0.06%
#040001 0.06%
#faffff 0.05%
#0c6549 0.05%
#0c7151 0.05%
#0b6a4c 0.05%
#f6fffd 0.05%
#0b6e4f 0.05%
#0c6f50 0.05%
#fcfdff 0.05%
#fffefd 0.05%
#017552 0.05%
#057151 0.05%
#0a7153 0.05%
#037551 0.05%
#fcfafb 0.05%
#087152 0.05%
#0c694c 0.05%
#0e6147 0.05%
#057954 0.05%
#0f7051 0.05%
#017955 0.05%
#0d6e4f 0.05%
#f8fefc 0.05%
#0a7a56 0.05%
#f3fffe 0.05%
#0a6d4e 0.05%
#0e684c 0.05%
#0f7454 0.05%
#e0ffff 0.05%
#047756 0.05%
#0e674b 0.05%
#027150 0.05%
#e8ffff 0.05%
#070707 0.05%
#0f7456 0.05%
#0f684c 0.05%
#0d6a4d 0.05%
#0f6e50 0.05%
#067555 0.05%
#097052 0.05%
#047450 0.05%
#fffbfd 0.04%
#f0fffd 0.04%
#07704f 0.04%
#067250 0.04%
#f3fffd 0.04%
#0e6248 0.04%
#0a6347 0.04%
#0b684b 0.04%
#0d674b 0.04%
#077b58 0.04%
#0e7758 0.04%
#096e4e 0.04%
#0f5f46 0.04%
#0d6147 0.04%
#0f654a 0.04%
#077455 0.04%
#010302 0.04%
#edfffe 0.04%
#0f6248 0.04%
#0e6d4f 0.04%
#0a674a 0.04%
#0c7856 0.04%
#eafffe 0.04%
#fefcff 0.04%
#0e7756 0.04%
#04724f 0.04%
#fcfffd 0.04%
#020403 0.04%
#0c6b4d 0.04%
#0a6f4f 0.04%
#105e46 0.04%
#0c6046 0.04%
#0e7655 0.04%
#0d7655 0.04%
#0d6046 0.04%
#0e6449 0.04%
#077955 0.04%
#f8f8f8 0.04%
#0f6c4f 0.04%
#f5fffc 0.04%
#fdfdff 0.04%
#107152 0.04%
#0c6247 0.04%
#08704f 0.04%
#0d7959 0.04%
#117253 0.04%
#fefefc 0.04%
#076f4e 0.04%
#05714f 0.04%
#10644a 0.04%
#047a57 0.04%
#007451 0.04%
#097456 0.04%
#0c664a 0.04%
#086b4c 0.04%
#fcfcfe 0.04%
#0e6b4e 0.04%
#116148 0.03%
#0d7254 0.03%
#f2fffc 0.03%
#0b6448 0.03%
#087757 0.03%
#fdfffc 0.03%
#0c5f45 0.03%
#087c59 0.03%
#007653 0.03%
#f4fffc 0.03%
#f0fffe 0.03%
#106349 0.03%
#0b5f45 0.03%
#027450 0.03%
#0a694b 0.03%
#f9fbfa 0.03%
#040203 0.03%
#107054 0.03%
#127153 0.03%
#ecfffd 0.03%
#0f6349 0.03%
#0e6e52 0.03%
#0e7154 0.03%
#106047 0.03%
#0f694d 0.03%
#107354 0.03%
#067857 0.03%
#0e5e45 0.03%
#047050 0.03%
#027651 0.03%
#087a56 0.03%
#f7f7f7 0.03%
#050102 0.03%
#0d7053 0.03%
#e6fffe 0.03%
#10664b 0.03%
#0b6549 0.03%
#e8fffe 0.03%
#eefffd 0.03%
#f6fffc 0.03%
#f2fffd 0.03%
#000200 0.03%
#096c4d 0.03%
#086d4d 0.03%
#097657 0.03%
#0a6b4c 0.03%
#067a55 0.03%
#007250 0.03%
#037050 0.03%
#096649 0.03%
#e1ffff 0.03%
#04704e 0.03%
#066f4e 0.03%
#066e4d 0.03%
#0b6146 0.03%
#125d46 0.03%
#135e47 0.03%
#fefafb 0.03%
#fffefc 0.03%
#0c7153 0.03%
#fbf9fa 0.03%
#11644a 0.03%
#f7fdfb 0.03%
#fbfbfd 0.03%
#096347 0.03%
#117052 0.03%
#0e5c44 0.03%
#0a7c5a 0.03%
#106f51 0.03%
#057b58 0.03%
#145f48 0.03%
#027953 0.03%
#e3fffe 0.03%
#0b6e51 0.03%
#fbfffd 0.03%
#0f7255 0.03%
#fbfcfe 0.03%
#10694d 0.03%
#e7fffd 0.03%
#0f5d45 0.03%
#027a56 0.03%
#0c7b5a 0.03%
#077051 0.03%
#040000 0.03%
#080808 0.03%
#0e7557 0.02%
#0c6f52 0.02%
#ebfffd 0.02%
#166049 0.02%
#11654b 0.02%
#096a4b 0.02%
#13634a 0.02%
#107555 0.02%
#135d46 0.02%
#106a4e 0.02%
#fffafc 0.02%
#095f44 0.02%
#01734f 0.02%
#037a54 0.02%
#086f51 0.02%
#030504 0.02%
#145e47 0.02%
#125c45 0.02%
#106d50 0.02%
#0d6a4f 0.02%
#f5fffe 0.02%
#0a6045 0.02%
#047655 0.02%
#0d5d44 0.02%
#fffafe 0.02%
#017550 0.02%
#037b57 0.02%
#017852 0.02%
#007854 0.02%
#0d7a5a 0.02%
#115f47 0.02%
#060203 0.02%
#e4e4e4 0.02%
#0f6f53 0.02%
#0a6448 0.02%
#0e6c51 0.02%
#03714e 0.02%
#145c46 0.02%
#107557 0.02%
#f1fffb 0.02%
#0f7658 0.02%
#007552 0.02%
#027856 0.02%
#126249 0.02%
#076c4c 0.02%
#096246 0.02%
#f6f6f6 0.02%
#141414 0.02%
#ecfffe 0.02%
#14624a 0.02%
#09684a 0.02%
#0d6b50 0.02%
#0b7052 0.02%
#0c694e 0.02%
#03734f 0.02%
#f9fdfe 0.02%
#f8fefe 0.02%
#007753 0.02%
#e8fffd 0.02%
#2c2c2c 0.02%
#fffdfd 0.02%
#deffff 0.02%
#0c7a57 0.02%
#0e6b50 0.02%
#fffbfe 0.02%
#156049 0.02%
#0f7859 0.02%
#007751 0.02%
#0e7a5a 0.02%
#0f7756 0.02%
#0b5e44 0.02%
#126048 0.02%
#f1fffc 0.02%
#097b57 0.02%
#0f6d52 0.02%
#12684d 0.02%
#11674c 0.02%
#0a5e44 0.02%
#f3fffb 0.02%
#e5fffd 0.02%
#0b6b4f 0.02%
#f5fefb 0.02%
#0d6d51 0.02%
#fbfffc 0.02%
#ebfffc 0.02%
#effffc 0.02%
#0b7456 0.02%
#077b56 0.02%
#0d7957 0.02%
#0b0b0b 0.02%
#116a4e 0.02%
#106d52 0.02%
#0f6c51 0.02%
#12654b 0.02%
#095d43 0.02%
#f4fffb 0.02%
#eefffc 0.02%
#077958 0.02%
#086749 0.02%
#155f48 0.02%
#076a4b 0.02%
#107356 0.02%
#fcfefb 0.02%
#effffd 0.02%
#007650 0.02%
#096c4f 0.02%
#076e50 0.02%
#fffafd 0.02%
#121212 0.02%
#cecece 0.02%
#090909 0.02%
#b8b8b8 0.02%
#fdfdfb 0.02%
#115b44 0.02%
#fdfbfe 0.02%
#137455 0.02%
#115c45 0.02%
#0a6a4e 0.02%
#097858 0.02%
#dffffc 0.02%
#127354 0.02%
#fefdfb 0.02%
#116e51 0.02%
#086548 0.02%
#087355 0.02%
#0a7557 0.02%
#0c7c58 0.02%
#066f50 0.02%
#0b7b57 0.02%
#0c6c50 0.02%
#050304 0.02%
#e6e6e6 0.02%
#0e0e0e 0.02%
#e7e7e7 0.02%
#464646 0.02%
#2b2b2b 0.02%
#181818 0.02%
#303030 0.02%
#000302 0.02%
#262626 0.02%
#909090 0.02%
#dedede 0.02%
#117155 0.02%
#096e50 0.02%
#f2fffe 0.02%
#e7fffe 0.02%
#0c5c43 0.02%
#117455 0.02%
#14644b 0.02%
#086246 0.02%
#0a7758 0.02%
#18604a 0.02%
#131313 0.02%
#1f1f1f 0.02%
#9d9d9d 0.02%
#f3f3f3 0.02%
#efefef 0.02%
#202020 0.02%
#ececec 0.02%
#bcbcbc 0.02%
#f2f2f2 0.02%
#060002 0.02%
#dfffff 0.02%
#383838 0.02%
#111111 0.02%
#959595 0.02%
#979797 0.02%
#dfdfdf 0.02%
#b1b1b1 0.02%
#6b6b6b 0.02%
#edfffc 0.01%
#0e644b 0.01%
#0b694e 0.01%
#0a6d50 0.01%
#18624b 0.01%
#036f4d 0.01%
#f8faf9 0.01%
#fdf9fa 0.01%
#057857 0.01%
#0f7857 0.01%
#076447 0.01%
#f6fcfa 0.01%
#01704f 0.01%
#f1fffd 0.01%
#007a55 0.01%
#056d4c 0.01%
#106e53 0.01%
#0d654c 0.01%
#f4f4f4 0.01%
#454545 0.01%
#1a1a1a 0.01%
#cfcfcf 0.01%
#bebebe 0.01%
#e8e8e8 0.01%
#656565 0.01%
#292929 0.01%
#eafffc 0.01%
#0b684d 0.01%
#0a674c 0.01%
#116b4f 0.01%
#12664c 0.01%
#fff9fb 0.01%
#076044 0.01%
#126046 0.01%
#106a50 0.01%
#16614a 0.01%
#0a6f51 0.01%
#165e48 0.01%
#0e7b5b 0.01%
#007350 0.01%
#086d4f 0.01%
#057454 0.01%
#e9fffd 0.01%
#037554 0.01%
#e2fffd 0.01%
#00744f 0.01%
#105a43 0.01%
#185c47 0.01%
#f0fffb 0.01%
#555555 0.01%
#c7c7c7 0.01%
#d5d5d5 0.01%
#575757 0.01%
#a7a7a7 0.01%
#535353 0.01%
#c5c5c5 0.01%
#212121 0.01%
#3f3f3f 0.01%
#d1d1d1 0.01%
#0c0c0c 0.01%
#232323 0.01%
#dddddd 0.01%
#08694a 0.01%
#e1e1e1 0.01%
#9c9c9c 0.01%
#343434 0.01%
#027453 0.01%
#868686 0.01%
#f1f1f1 0.01%
#939393 0.01%
#d0d0d0 0.01%
#a8a8a8 0.01%
#696969 0.01%
#d6d6d6 0.01%
#151515 0.01%
#b3b3b3 0.01%
#404040 0.01%
#b6b6b6 0.01%
#c6c6c6 0.01%
#0a0a0a 0.01%
#0d7b58 0.01%
#e0fffe 0.01%
#0c6048 0.01%
#10624b 0.01%
#e6fffc 0.01%
#0a684d 0.01%
#0d5b43 0.01%
#135b45 0.01%
#116f54 0.01%
#117457 0.01%
#0e664d 0.01%
#076648 0.01%
#115d43 0.01%
#1a5e49 0.01%
#1c6750 0.01%
#047b55 0.01%
#e8fffc 0.01%
#ddffff 0.01%
#086145 0.01%
#f4fefd 0.01%
#126f52 0.01%
#f0fffa 0.01%
#fffdfc 0.01%
#19614b 0.01%
#117656 0.01%
#107759 0.01%
#117658 0.01%
#8b8b8b 0.01%
#a4a4a4 0.01%
#989898 0.01%
#949494 0.01%
#313131 0.01%
#4d4d4d 0.01%
#afafaf 0.01%
#252525 0.01%
#dcdcdc 0.01%
#cccccc 0.01%
#4f4f4f 0.01%
#707070 0.01%
#272727 0.01%
#929292 0.01%
#3d3d3d 0.01%
#a9a9a9 0.01%
#dadada 0.01%
#dbdbdb 0.01%
#e2e2e2 0.01%
#1c1c1c 0.01%
#171717 0.01%
#7a7a7a 0.01%
#6d6d6d 0.01%
#0d0d0d 0.01%
#5a5a5a 0.01%
#101010 0.01%
#10644c 0.01%
#0f674e 0.01%
#127055 0.01%
#056e4f 0.01%
#13674d 0.01%
#155d47 0.01%
#15654c 0.01%
#165b46 0.01%
#e5fffe 0.01%
#09694d 0.01%
#f5fefd 0.01%
#0a5d43 0.01%
#15634b 0.01%
#00714f 0.01%
#066b4b 0.01%
#00724f 0.01%
#017b56 0.01%
#026f4f 0.01%
#18634c 0.01%
#067354 0.01%
#0c644b 0.01%
#7bb0a0 0.01%
#126b4f 0.01%
#f9fafc 0.01%
#e4fffe 0.01%
#0b7d5b 0.01%
#0b634a 0.01%
#e7fffc 0.01%
#085c42 0.01%
#056e4d 0.01%
#1a624c 0.01%
#080405 0.01%
#050001 0.01%
#d2d2d2 0.01%
#040605 0.01%
#8f8f8f 0.01%
#393939 0.01%
#6e6e6e 0.01%
#e0e0e0 0.01%
#4e4e4e 0.01%
#2e2e2e 0.01%
#838383 0.01%
#818181 0.01%
#515151 0.01%
#137053 0.01%
#737373 0.01%
#353535 0.01%
#1d1d1d 0.01%
#8e8e8e 0.01%
#999999 0.01%
#8d8d8d 0.01%
#ababab 0.01%
#808080 0.01%
#161616 0.01%
#2a6b57 0.01%
#fafbfd 0.01%
#0e6049 0.01%
#16644c 0.01%
#127556 0.01%
#17614a 0.01%
#0d674d 0.01%
#02724e 0.01%
#eefffb 0.01%
#e2fffe 0.01%
#136149 0.01%
#0a724f 0.01%
#076849 0.01%
#e1fffe 0.01%
#0b6148 0.01%
#1b604b 0.01%
#08654a 0.01%
#127558 0.01%
#175f49 0.01%
#f4fdfa 0.01%
#fcfafd 0.01%
#076a4d 0.01%
#127256 0.01%
#faf8f9 0.01%
#edfffd 0.01%
#007652 0.01%
#e6fffa 0.01%
#ebfffe 0.01%
#17624b 0.01%
#155a45 0.01%
#066748 0.01%
#095c42 0.01%
#0d6044 0.01%
#0e7a58 0.01%
#056a4a 0.01%
#f9fefa 0.01%
#0f634b 0.01%
#026e4c 0.01%
#dffffe 0.01%
#fcfcfa 0.01%
#037655 0.01%
#06694a 0.01%
#057253 0.01%
#e5fffb 0.01%
#0a7355 0.01%
#126c50 0.01%
#036b4a 0.01%
#070304 0.01%
#070506 0.01%
#067c59 0.01%
#d8d8d8 0.01%
#505050 0.01%
#d3d3d3 0.01%
#373737 0.01%
#e5e5e5 0.01%
#aaaaaa 0.01%
#b5b5b5 0.01%
#f0f0f0 0.01%
#4b4b4b 0.01%
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